First off: no, this is not a review or something of James Morrison’s album (even if I loved that album). I am borrowing that title, though, because it seems like the best one to use for this post. (So thanks, Papa James, hihi ♥)
Remember that 2012 mix tape post I wrote last year? I realized that I enjoyed writing that post so much that I should have another one. Of course, this is more appropriate at the end of the year 2013, but then it’s too far away and there are too many songs that I’d want to include in that list based on how 2013 has been so far. This is a little cheat, so I can list more songs. ;)
A little fact: My current mood is almost always connected to the music I listen to (or in the lyrics I tweet). I’m a lyrics person so I relate quick to them, and you can almost always tell the state of my heart based on the song I have on repeat for several days/weeks. I’m sort of transparent that way.
So do expect that this half-year playlist has a lot of #feels, because that’s really just how I roll. :)

1. Winter Snow by Chris Tomlin feat. Audrey Assad
[youtube v7PQhGTCRuU]
Your voice wasn’t in a bush burning
No, Your voice wasn’t in a rushing wind
It was still, it was small, it was hidden
This is actually a leftover from Christmas, and this turned out to be one of my favorites until the year ended. It’s a Christmas song, but it doesn’t sound like a Christmas song, which is great because I still listen to it even now. This song can still calm my heart. :)
2. One Step at a Time by Jordin Sparks
[youtube PIE5QtkxzvM]
We live and we learn to take one step at a time
There’s no need to rush
It’s like learning to fly or falling in love
It’s gonna happen when it’s supposed to happen
And we find the reasons why one step at a time
This is one of the songs from my book club friends’ birthday gift for me, and I played it over and over again soon after I got it. I’ve always loved this song, but I keep on forgetting to get it for myself, and now it’s even more special because one of my dearest friends gave it to me for my birthday. :) I still listen to this to help me relax when my mind goes all panicky and such.
3. Tea and Sympathy by Jars of Clay
[youtube QNjz7OPMPhU]
Fare thee well
Trade in all our words for tea and sympathy
Wonder why we tried, for things that could never be
Play our hearts lament, like an unrehearsed symphony
This wasn’t really a favorite Jars of Clay song during my early days as a fan, but I started to appreciate it after some friends and I fangirled over Jars of Clay when we heard they were going back to Manila for a show. I didn’t think they would sing it at their concert here, but they did (with matching screams from my friend and I when they sang the first line). Interestingly, this song kept me company in those sort of sad, confused moments early in the year, and I found that the last line rang true for me: Don’t trade our love for tea and sympathy. #sigh
4. Proof by Paramore
[youtube 5bPEnio7tuw]
Baby, if I’m half the man I say I am
(Whoa-oh-oh), if I’m a woman with no fear
Just like I claim I am, (whoa-oh-oh)
Then I believe in what you say
There’s nothing left for you to do
The only proof that I need is you.
It’s been ages since I last listened to Paramore, and I was pleasantly surprised when I found they had a new album. It took a while for me to really get into the album, but certain songs jumped out at me and had me listening to them over and over and over and over again. Proof is one of those songs that is just right. And I just really love the first three lines of the chorus. :)
5. Moving Backwards by Ben Rector
[youtube kBrzHirGImY]
And I say so what if they’re just stories
What if I need them?
So I pray that you’ll give me grace if you can hear me
That you’ll give me grace if you can hear
So this song is an old goodie, and I liked it a lot when I first heard it but it didn’t really strike me much because I thought it was just a nice song. During a particularly angry moment a few months ago, a friend told me to listen to this song as a reminder of grace. Sometimes I still find myself wailing singing with Ben at the bridge of this song, a reminder that I always need of more grace. :)
6. One Sweet Love by Sara Bareilles
[youtube vujDD8PINhA]
Savor the sorrow to soften the pain
Sip on the southern rain
As I do, I don’t look don’t touch don’t do anything
But hope that there is a you
My good friend (and fictional cousin) was tweeting about this song at song one time and I remembered how much I liked this when I first heard it. And then after attending my brother’s best friend’s wedding, I had this on repeat because weddings leave me with that warm and fuzzy feeling. ♥ This still gives me the warm fuzzies even now, and…it gives me hope. :) Listen to get what I mean.
* * *
I think I’ll call this one my 2013 EP. :) So, how about you? What are your songs for the first half of 2013?
There are now three songs that always remind me of you: Falling In, One Sweet Love, and Gravity. Heehee. :)
Haha the Gravity thing is really Aaron’s, but then it got connected to “Grabetina.” =))