When our hosts in Jakarta asked us about what we expected about the place and what we wanted to do, I had no idea what to answer. Not just because I’m not a fan of expectations, but it’s really because I had none. Other than this being a surprise trip, I didn’t really do much research about it. I didn’t have time to do research, actually, plus even if I am good with organizing things, I’m not that good with fixing itineraries just yet.
So I really, really had no expectations whatsoever. And it turned out to be a really, really awesome thing. :)
Jakarta was nice and warm and lovely. That’s what I say when people ask me about my trip. It really is, and of course, the people I met while I was there really helped seal that impression. Jakarta reminded me of Manila in several ways, but it’s bigger, cleaner and interestingly, had more traffic. But that was because they have no train system (boo-hoo, and I like trains), so there’s really just more cars on the road.
It was a very lovely trip — full with activities and food and laughter and new friends. It’s nice to go on a trip with very little expectations because you get so surprised about so many things along the way. ((Come to think of it, this applies to everything in my life.)) :)
The funny thing was, I wasn’t completely okay before I left for Jakarta. Let’s say I was having another one of those…life crisis about some things too personal to post about here. It’s nothing serious, really — just some excitement over things, and an overreaction to some other things, and perhaps, a way of emptying myself for something else. Something better. Yes, I’m being cryptic on purpose.
I guess it’s all in God’s plan, because if I wasn’t emptied before I left Jakarta, I bet I wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as I did. The trip wouldn’t have been as memorable because I wouldn’t stop thinking about what I left home. So even if I was having a pathetic moment the night before I left for Jakarta, it all turned out to be good, after all.
But that is for another post.
A condensed version of what we did while we were in Jakarta: (1) spend an entire day at Taman Safari to feed the animals, squee over tigers and watch the shows; (2) experience rain and traffic almost like in Manila; (3) have an impromptu sisters’ household over dinner; (4) go shopping at Mangga Dua, their version of Divisoria; (5) ate authentic Indonesian dinner; (6) attended a delegation meeting for the SFC International Conference participants from Indonesia; (7) explore museums and a bit of Taman Mini; (8) eat the best noodles ever from Baji Pamai; (9) mall time to buy coffee and marvel at the price in Rupiah; (10) practice for worship workshop; (11) hear mass and remember Pope Benedict XVI when the priest spoke in Latin; (12) Have a pancake lunch with host family; (13) Go to one of the many outlet stores in Jakarta; (14) Attend a CFC Chapter Assembly, have a worship workshop AND experience an intense worship session; and (15) filled our tummies with awesome Indonesian food before flying home.
Yep, it was pretty awesome.
I’m going to let the photos speak for this trip. :)

I went home from Jakarta with a full heart (and full tummy, too, haha!). Much thanks to everyone who made our stay so wonderful, and to my new travel friends. :) Looking forward to going back — after all, there’s still so much to do in Jakarta that we weren’t able to do. :)
Terimah kasih, Jakarta! ♥
Bali na ba ang next destination mo niyan? :)
Hm, maybe next year? I’m looking at New Zealand later this year. :D
Jakarta do have trains :)