There was one day last year where my Mom and I were talking over breakfast when she asked me, “How old are you on your next birthday?”
“Twenty-seven,” I answered.
There was a moment of silence, and we exchanged looks. Then my mom said, “You’re old.”
All I could do was make a face.
But now that I think about it…why does being 27 feel like it’s so much older than being 26? Is it because it’s closer to 30? Am I reaching that age where I am going to stop counting and when people ask me how old I am, I’ll start getting offended about the question? ((I don’t think so…well maybe when I’m 28. Haha)) Will I hate celebrating birthdays after this? ((I doubt it.))

I can’t shake that sense of aging whenever I think of my upcoming birthday, but I’m trying not to think about it. It’s not really depressing — it’s more surprising, really, and I feel like I should get my act together when I turn 27. Not that I should have things figured out, but perhaps I should…I don’t know, start moving with more purpose, or something?
But I will not really dwell on that yet, because these kinds of things thought in the wrong time is the perfect recipe for another crisis. So let’s not go there. I’d rather keep with traditions today, and post my 27th Birthday Wish List! ((Gah, writing 27th still makes me feel old. o_O ))
Fun fact (sort of): As I was thinking of things I want this year, I realize that…well, what I want for my birthday this year is a bit different from what I wanted last year. Granted, I already got some of the items from last year’s wish list for myself, so I’m not exactly sure of what to ask for anymore. Or I know what I want, but it’s just not like what I wanted last year. Does that make sense?
Perhaps it’s a sign of aging. I think it is.
Eh, enough about aging.
The “There’s No Harm in Asking†List
The items in this list are pretty much too expensive to get, and I will probably get it sometime later when I have saved up, but there’s no harm in writing it down. Interestingly, most of the items from my list last year are already mine. So…what else is there to ask but:
- Travel vouchers.
Especially for places in my bucket list. Like I said, it won’t hurt to ask. :P - Or, you know, let’s go plan a trip somewhere, and let’s make it happen.
Travel buddies, let’s goooo!Image from we heart it
Books a.k.a. The Easiest Thing to Get Me List
My wish list shelf on Goodreads! Some of them won’t be released until late this year, but I accept pre-orders. :D Pre-orders are cheaper, too! :D (And Book Depository has a 10% off promo until the 15th of March — what good timing, yes?)
Kindle gifts are also accepted. ((My Kindle email address: tinamats[at] :D
Oh, and bookstore gift certificates are awesome, too. :)
The Other-than-Books a.k.a Pretty Cheap Gifts List
- Snail mail.
Like what I said last year: a card, a post card, a simple note — I love them. Of course, this is going to be hard to surprise me with this, but the surprise is what I will get and when I will get it. <3
Image from we heart it - Or, if you can’t send snail mail, write me a letter, instead.
And hand it to me in person. Because I like reading stuff. :)Image from we heart it Or actually, just write anything and then give it to me. I’m all about the feels. :D
- Sunflowers.
Do I even have to explain this?Image from we heart it The boots or the coat in that photo look nice, too. :D
- Pretty notebooks.
You can never have enough notebooks. Especially pretty ones.Peter Pauper Press Journals :) And since we’re all about the feels and sentimentality and all that…feel free to write something on the first page (or on any other page — surprise me) in the notebook. :)
- Pens.
What will I use to write on pretty notebooks if not the pretty pens? :D Muji pens, or just any pen that writes nicely would do. :)Pens from Muji - Washi tape.
Because they’re so cute and useful and cute. Hey Kessy sells them here!Image from we heart it - Instax Mini Films
You can never really have enough of this. :)Image from PolaroidPH - Gift certificates for shopping are very, very welcome. Or, you know, let’s go shopping together. :)
- Accessories
Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, belts, what-have-you’s. I want ‘em. :) Preferably with stars or sunflowers. - Actually…anything with stars will do.
Or sunflowers. Or both. :D - Cake.
Just because a birthday is more of a birthday if there is cake. Yes?
The All-You-Need-Is-Time List
As the header says — all you need is time! And maybe a little bit of cash. (Surprise) Visits, phone calls, coffee/dinner/weekend dates, notes — I appreciate this the most at this time because it’s my birth month! Surprise me, meet me, let’s catch up! Quality time and long conversations really mean a lot to me, so…yeah, let’s go out this month! :)
My favorite month has been quite busy so far, but I think I started it with a pretty good note (like, literally. Awesome videoke session last weekend). Twenty Six, let’s end you with an awesome note. Let’s go, March! :)
I don’t think I even have to read this post to know what to get you? Hahaha!
Happy birthday, my dear friend. You know what I would wish for you, right? Love yah! Mwah! :)
Hihi, surprise me! :)
And yes, I think I know! Thank you, cousin. ♥
E-mail me your address, I’ll send you a postcard :)
Oh yay! Just sent you an email. :)
travel buddy right here *winks* Happy birthday, Tina!
Woot. Thanks, Maria! Let’s make that happen. :)
Hello Tina,
Happy, happy birthday and many more happiest days to come. May all your whishes come thru. May God bless you always in your career and service to SFC and those who are less in life. Stay healthy and have a balance life! We love you very much :)
Thank you, Papa! I love you! :)
Happy happy birthday, Tina!!! God bless you always <3 I'm always here for you (as are a gazillion other people), so keep smiling and don't let anything ruin your mood! Love you :) *mwamwa*
Thank you (for the nth time!), Alexa! I love you too! :*