So this wasn’t really in the plan. I mean, the plan was to write a book, publish it under a pen name, and pretend it’s not me. Because that’s the purpose of pen names, right? So my real persona won’t be known, and people won’t ask, “Is this about you?” and all that jazz.
But plans don’t always happen, as we all know. And some things are just too big (well, sort of) and too exciting to keep in secret.
Hello, my first book is out. :)
Rain De Castro has been in love with her best friend, Mark Velasco, for almost the entire time she has known him, but she’s clearly in the friend zone because he’s happily in a relationship. Or so she thought, until the news of his break-up reaches her. Now that Mark’s single again, she decides that it’s time to get out of the zone. But when her cousin Lissa comes into the picture and sets her eyes on Mark, Rain feels troubled when he gets a little too friendly with her. Rain is determined to fight for what she feels this time, but is it worth the effort if it’s a losing battle from the start? Will she back off to give way for her best friend’s happiness, even if it means losing him to someone else again?
This is my #romanceclass project, and but really, it’s been with me since NaNoWriMo 2006. It’s 8 years in the making, and right now all I can think of is, “Finally, finally, finally.”
You see, I was really terrified of having any of my work edited, read, and consumed by the public. Never mind that I blog some stories sometimes, but you know, it’s different when you actually publish something and sell it.
But it’s also exciting and fulfilling and now my head is full of other stories that I want to write and send out into the world because we can never have too many stories and books, right?
To answer some questions…