Perfect Love (A repost)

Yes, I’m still on a break. But I’m here again, because I came across some thoughts in the past days that made me dig through my old blog, knowing wrote something about it. I found it, and I thought I’d repost it here, because I think it’s relevant, and God knows how much we/I need a reminder of this sometimes. So this isn’t really a real post, except maybe it also is, but whatever, right? :P

Refine Me, January 7, 2009

One of my favorite verses about love is on today’s first reading:

There is no fear in love. Perfect love drives out fear, for fear has to do with punishment; those who fear do not know perfect love. (1 John 4:18)

Sometimes, when I think of love (especially the romantic one) objectively (which is how I think of it, more often than not, heh), it’s very easy to see it all in a straight line — I’d do this, I’d do that, I won’t do that he did and I will never do what she it. But when I hear and read stories from other people about love, I realize yet again that it’s not always black and white. If anything, it’s full of gray areas. Crossroads. Both roads seem the right thing to do, but which is really the most loving thing?

You know how people often wonder how you’d know if you love another person? Well, I think that verse up there is really the answer. I remember back in college, when we would have these kinds of discussion, we’d often bring up what St. Paul said to the Corinthians:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

We used to say that when you can replace all instances of “love” there with your name (unless of course, your name is Love), that’s, well, love. But that verse only describes what love is and love makes us do, which I know once a person loves someone, they’re really willing to do all these, no matter how difficult it is. But how about when you’re not sure if you love the person already?

I think I may be going in circles there but hear me out a bit. How would you know if it is love? Maybe when you don’t feel any fear, just as what the verse states. Maybe it’s when you think of the future with that person and although it’s very uncertain, you feel secure, knowing that you’ll have someone. When you think about jumping and making a risk, you feel afraid but you still do it anyway, knowing everything will be all right in the end. Maybe it’s when you’re secure with yourself and in the person, knowing that no matter what happens, no matter how you look, no matter how chaotic everything else around is, even if the world is ending, the person will still be there, loving you.

It’s a tall order. And more often than not, people fail. But that’s why we just have to keep on trying, right?

Bringing it closer to home and in a non-romantic way, perfect love is there when:

  • a mother calls to console their scared daughter about her upcoming thesis defense, and tell her that it will be okay no matter what the outcome is.
  • a father tells his tired and worn out sophomore teen that they will finish the project on time, even if he is very tired himself.
  • a brother takes the time to cook for his sick sister and make her drink her medicines even if she feels like she’s getting worse.
  • a brother goes out of his way to meet his sister at a mall and bring her laptop to the service center to have the adapter fixed, and then drop his sister off to the dorm on commute just to make sure she gets back safe.
  • friends listen to another friend who finally takes a step away from a destructive habit and promises no judgment.

Perfect love drives out fear. And God is love. Ergo, God drives out fear. :) Comforting, isn’t it?

Wherever you are, whatever you are going through right now, may you find peace in God’s love.

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Image from we heart it
Image from we heart it

I had to laugh at how that post up there seemed so naive, but also a little wise in some ways. I have no comment over what I wrote there about romantic love because I still don’t have any answers to what I said there four years later. There’s so much I didn’t know there. And there’s still so much I don’t know now.

But you know what? That’s okay.

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To learn from the sky

Sara Bareilles released a new album called The Blessed Unrest the other day and I’ve been listening to her song Chasing the Sun on repeat:

[youtube WFFberbflbU]

I love the entire song, most especially the chorus:

You said, remember that life is
Not meant to be wasted
We can always be chasing the sun!
So fill up your lungs and just run
But always be chasing the sun!

It just sounds so hopeful, don’t you think?

* * *

I’m going to take a little blogging break.

When 2013 started, I had this plan of blogging (at least) once a week, so when the year ends, I’d have around 52 posts for this blog. Plus I figured it’s some kind of commitment to find something interesting to blog every week, and it’s not as hard as blogging everyday for an entire month (believe me, I tried that).

But…things haven’t been exactly smooth sailing these past few days. I think it’s obvious from my previous posts? If you’d allow me to be brutally honest, I’m not really okay right now. I would normally write my heart out here while I sort out everything (as I have done in the past weeks), but this time, I don’t really feel like doing it. There are too many things that I need to come to terms with, and frankly, I just don’t feel like writing about them here. It doesn’t feel right just yet. Maybe sometime later, I guess. I don’t know. But definitely not now. I figure I should keep them to myself for the time being.

Hence this break. I might post a little bit every now and then. Something random or whatever. Heh, it’s not like I have a ton of readers, anyway, but to the five or six (or so. hehe) of you who read this, then please bear with me a little bit. :)

I’m just going to go and chase the sun for a little bit while I figure some things out.

But don’t worry, I’ll be back.

And I’ll be okay, promise. :)

Oh and I’ll still be here, anyway. And here. And if you know me in real life, ((Let’s hang out or something. I’d love to catch up.)) you know how to reach me.

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Why don’t you tell me a story, instead?

Image from we heart it
Image from we heart it

I’ve been toying with this idea for a while now, about inviting friends as guests to my blog so they can share their story. I never really had the time to work on it until now, since I’m going on this break. So instead of reading about…well, me, you’ll be reading about the stories of other people. I’ve always believed that we all have stories to tell, and so I’m opening my blog to people who want to share their story. One of my most favorite artists sang it well:

There’s life to be lived, and stories to tell, lessons to learn, we don’t know yet.
Nothing to lack looking back knowing that we have lived it well with stories to tell.

Tell me a story. Any story. Family, friends, loved ones, pets. Funny, happy, sad, tragic. Tell me something you’ve been wanting to talk about, or something that you feel that should be told. It doesn’t have to be inspiring or religious or life-changing — just tell your story. Let’s start from there.

Interested? Leave a comment on this post, or drop me a line and let’s talk. :)

Your goodness shall follow me


I talk about being brave, but sometimes I think I really don’t know what it entails until it stares at me right in the face. I haven’t watched the movie We Bought a Zoo (although I probably should), but I remember this one quote from the movie that always comes up when I search for “bravery” and “courage” in Google: ((Sidenote (or, fine, footnote): I wish it was that easy, just enter the thing you want or need and Google and you get results. I wish it was that easy.))

You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.

Twenty seconds, huh?

How about five?

Image from we heart it
Image from we heart it


There was that one mass, where I fell to my knees after receiving communion and started tearing up. Okay, that isn’t really new, because sometimes I find myself crying a lot while at church, which often feel like the safest place for my tears. I knelt down and prayed, and my heart cried out. I don’t know what to do, Lord. I don’t know if I should go forward or forget about it. I’m scared, I’m scared. I just don’t know. Please tell me what to do.

Those were my prayers, but I realize later that underneath all those prayers is this one more urgent, pressing prayer: Please tell me what’s going to happen if I do this. Please, please.

And then, the answer: I will not tell you what’s going to happen. Remember that even your mistakes are in My plan. Will you trust Me?

By the time I went out of the church, I know what I was going to do. Okay, I didn’t know how I will do it, but I know what I think I should do.

God, I’m scared.


I came across this post as soon as she posted it, but I didn’t want to read it the moment I read the first few paragraphs. Not now, not yet.

Now I read it and read it and read it, not because it contains the answer I need but because it’s one of the few things that I can hold onto now, as I prepare:

You must look that answer in the eyes and listen to it, and let it ache, and let it roam around, and let it lead you. Because the truth will always lead you somewhere.


“You know how when you eat a sundae and have tequila after, you expect LBM…but not too soon?” My friend made me laugh at that statement, but there is truth in what he said.

When you’ve come to the point of no return and then you are asked to wait again, it’s frustrating. Let me say that again: it’s frustrating. It’s even more frustrating when some things you sort of expected to happen later happen too soon, before you’re completely ready for it. What results is you, a complete mess, breaking down at random times in the day while you try to hold yourself together, try to not take offense, try to not over think things, try not to jump to conclusions.

It’s not like you can turn back, anyway. Or you’d want to turn back.

“The only thing you can do now is be strong, and wait.”


This must be what free-falling feels like. How long till you get to the end?

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